Friday, September 5, 2008


I have noticed for the past several months that Cindy is becoming emotionally attached to me. This scares me, because our arrangement is sex only, nothing more; we agreed upon this when we started.

Yesterday she called me twice begging me to come over and fuck her. What she really needs is a husband to pay more attention to her , not to go to China twice a month.

I told her I think it's time we stopped... Boy did she carry on and cry. I can't stand crying, it wears me down, I had to hang up on her. She emailed me at least 100 times to my private email, I put her on the junk folder.

It was fun, but we cannot be attached. I have a wonderful wife whom I would never trade in a million years.

Like the song says "breaking up is hard to do", it sounds cruel but I must do this.

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